Are There Any Natural Home Remedies for Obesity?

Obesity, commonly referred to as excessive amassing of fats in the body is calculated by BMI i.e. body mass index of a person. It is usually considered as perfect between 18.5 and 25. But if it exceeds to 30 or more, a person is said to be obese. Take a look on how to calculate BMI:

  • Weight in lbs / (height in inches x height in inches) x 703 = BMI.
  • Or you can also calculate it using metric system i.e. weight in kg / (height in meters x height in meters).

Obesity is related to poor lifestyle behaviour like eating processed food, excessive drinking, overeating, lack of sleep and related habits. Hormonal problems and genetic factors are the major contributors in escalating the risk of obesity.

Not only do obesity increases weight, it also makes you prone to serious health problems like heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and others. To fight with obesity, here goes the list of some natural home remedies to treat obesity:

Lemon Juice

An effective remedy to combat obesity!! Lemon juice aids in improving digestion power and detoxification. Healthy digestion power is a key to supply required nutrients to the body thus reducing the risk of obesity. Plus, the harmful toxins get removed from the body.

  • Add 1 tsp of honey, 3 tsp of lemon juice, one glass water and ½ tsp of black pepper powder. Mix it well and drink in the morning. Make sure you are empty stomach. You need to do it daily for three months at least.


Add boiled or raw cabbage to your daily regime. Tartaric acid is the main ingredient of cabbage which holds back the transfer of carbohydrates and sugar to fats. Plus, it has high amount of water and fibre.

Cabbage is a vegetable that helps in improving estrogen metabolism. Imbalance of estrogen makes your body store fats and boosts breast and ovary cancer. Apart from cabbage, Swiss chard, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower are also effective.


Well, I love tomato salad. Eat tomatoes daily in the morning on empty tummy. To have dietary fibre, consume tomatoes with peels and seeds. All the hormones that are responsible to affect your appetite get altered with the consumption of tomatoes. Plus, it is rich in folate, magnesium, chlorine, vitamins A, K and C and many more nutrients which are best for health.

Green Tea

Yet another popular and effective home remedy for obesity is green tea. It has EGCG i.e. epigallocatechin-3-gallate, a compound which is perfect in lessening down fat absorption. Plus, green tea is power packed with some awesome nutrients like zinc, chromium, vitamin C, selenium, carotenoids and trace minerals.

  • Boil some water in a pan and pour it over the mug having green teabag.
  • Drink it daily for three to four times to fight with the problem of obesity.

Green tea makes a good combination with ginger tea or cayenne pepper as well. You can include them in your diet as well on regular basis to enjoy the benefits.

Have a good day!!