Say Goodbye to Skin Diseases with Hemp Oil

You must have heard about the hemp plant that is a member of the cannabis family. It has been reported to provide various health benefits and there is no risk of addiction at all. To avail its benefits, one must use hemp oil, extracted from a hemp plant.

Hemp is an essential oil that yields many positive impacts on your body. The end product is rich nutty flavoured oil that has a green tint. Let me walk you through the benefits of this oil:

Benefits of Hemp Oil

Though the hemp oil has been used since centuries for industrial purposes, the benefits are many for health. It has been used widely for wood varnish, lamps, paints and printer ink etc. prior to the decline of hemp farming. Now it is being used in:


Hemp oil holds many benefits and so it is used in moisturizer, lip balms, shampoos and massage oils etc. Also, it is a great emollient too.


For cooked vegetables or salads, hemp oil is used as an ingredient. For all those who love to eat cannabis can put this oil for added taste.


Various skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema and chronic ailments get huge benefits from hemp oil.

Nourishment provider

Count on hemp oil to provide nourishment to dry skin. Since it is a good detoxifier, the lesions and blotches get reduced.

Hair treatment

Hemp oil is perfect in preventing dandruff and providing thickened look to your hair. Also, the hair loss gets reduced and hair feels soft and silky.

Treat Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis and other skin ailments are reduced with the use of hemp oil. Being rich in stearidonic acid and gamma linoleic acid, it works great in treating skin conditions. The oil goes deep inside the cells and provides lubrication to all the surfaces.

Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Hemp essential oil contains omega 3 fatty acids that are able to control blood sugar levels. This acid is great in lowering blood pressure, fibrinogen levels and platelet stickiness as well.

Prevents Heart Disease

Other than providing skin benefits, hemp oil works wonderfully in curing arthritis, depression and heart disease too, latest research at University of Maryland Medical Center has stated.

Contains Fatty Acids

Hemp oil has fatty acids that lessen the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, multiple sclerosis, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenic psychosis even. Also, it has the ability to fight with cholesterol levels that affect your cardiovascular health. Due to the presence of alpha linoleic acid, hemp oil works well in the proper functioning of your body organs.

How to Make Hemp Oil?

Well, making hemp oil is not everyone’s cup of tea and also cannot be made at home itself. Seeds of the hemp plant are extracted using a press. The press consists of a rotating worm-shaft that extracts out the oil from the seeds thus separating the seed cake.

To crown it all, hemp oil is a wonderful plant to say hello to a healthier you!!