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Sinus Infection – Natural Remedies

Sinus infection is caused due to the inflammation, congestion and blocking of the sinuses. Sinus infection is caused by common cold and a range of allergens. Sinus infection causes extreme discomfort including cough, nasal and facial pain along with congestion. There are a lot of antibiotics and steroids that treat the sinus infection but most of them have some or …

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Age Spots – Natural Remedies

Age spots are dark colored discoloration of skin, commonly found on people aged above 40 years. Age spots occur due to prolonged sun exposure or prolonged sickness. There are a lot of good clinical medications that help in treating age spots, but since they contain chemicals, they can be harsh on the health. Apart from the clinical medications, there are …

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Acid Reflux – Natural Remedies

Acid reflux is a very common health problem and affects about 50% of Americans. It is also often called peptic ulcer disease. The major symptom of acid reflux is heartburn. Initially, it was thought that acid reflux is caused by excessive acid in the stomach and so acid reducing drugs were prescribed as a cure. But it turned out to …